Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rush Words

In Memory of Manuel, a fallen friend

Here are these rush words in search of a poem.

Between the cries and the silence, there are other things.
But… How to see them through the smokescreen
of the cry, of the false options, of the demands
of the clear voices that the deaf make,
of the lights of the cameras edited on the shadows?

Manuel is death, by day light bullets
-nothing more clear- but the bright explosion of the bullets –
it is said in the dark holes- can only be seen by night
and… here I can only see the reflectors light
when the chiefs and the generals walk in a parade of weapons,
showing their traitor uniforms,
trying to cover their coward faces
asking questions hiding behind the lamps.

The traffic lights where Manuel stopped
will keep showing its three colors.
Although your dream were stopped by a red light
How can the bullets stop the clear sight,
the dreams draw on the children’s and mother’s smiles,
on the thoughts that call to enjoy life?

In the presence of the cowards’ arrogance and impudence.
The shed blood rises with the battle song.
To announce the coming of a green light.
One that flanks the shadows
on the streets of history.

With kindness we pick up your body
motionless because of the bullets
and we begin another march, back home,
to the classroom, that place the is once again of everyone,
liberating all the voices,
taking off the gags,
shouting the words of dreams.
We don’t say goodbye, but farewell
Your light, your torch will always be seen.

By Antonio Munoz

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