Sunday, June 14, 2009


There are lights that never go out
lights that come, lights that go
lights that last, lights that are
shine on the shadows
shine on the grief,shine on the friendship.

They are the lighthouse of night, of day, of life
they are doors of entrance with no exist
light that never go out
light for eternity
shining in secret, they're always shine.

Lights that never go out
candles of time, candles to take with us
tied to our harts, they're always shine
Polish by smiles...yours and mine
a shining suit that wears our hart

Lights that never go out
more clear than crystal
more clear than diamond
hope we knit to our brothers and sisters
to make a suit of friendship that always shine.

Lights that never go out
in search of that smile and soul
that also wants to shine
Light that never go out
and yours will always shine

Light of star, of the sea star
light that carries, takes and gives
essences of your souls
perfumes that illuminate my solitude

Please never go out
If you do
Who will make my soul shine?

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